Audley Striders 10k ROUTE 4
Turn left onto Nantwich Road, take a left at the roundabout onto Alsager Road. Turn right onto Hullocks Pool road. 
Take a left onto Cross Lane, right on Eardley End Road, right again onto Bignall End Road and follow to the left until you come to the Plough pub roundabout.
Turn left up Audley road, right onto Megacre/High Street. At the end of the road turn right down Peggy’s bank. 
Take a left onto Ryehills and follow this round till you come to Church Street, take a right and turn left down Wilbrihams walk, left again onto Nantwich road leading back to the starting point.


All runs start at Audley Cricket Club, Kent Hills Ground, Nantwich Rd, Audley, Stoke-on-Trent ST7 8DL